
Online Ninjutsu Training
Module-based Curriculum Outline
White to Black Belt Program
There is no curriculum for learning ninjutsu - especially online ninjutsu training - that includes so much in the way of authentic Ninpo-Taijutsu study and training from a certified master-teacher of the art.
When you enroll in Shidoshi Miller's "Inner Circle" Platinum Online Training Program, you get direct, one-on-one, guidance from one of the longest training ninjutsu practitioner's in the Western-world, Shidoshi Jeffrey M. Miller.
But, more than that, you get access to a training curriculum that is designed especially for the serious student who wants more than rank, belts, and a "feel good" experience. You get training that was designed by bringing centuries of proven techniques, tactics, and strategies developed by Ninja and Samurai warriors...
...together with the Shidoshi's real-world experience putting these lessons to use in the real world as a police officer, undercover investigator, and bodyguard.
This training can be summed up in one phrase:
"Real Training for Real People in a Real World!"
The Module-based Curriculum You'll Be Learning
The following module-based material is provided to you at regular intervals as you progress through the program. This insures that you will not be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of material in the program, and the time needed to work on the material as it is presented. Module 1: "Foundations of Self-Protection Mastery"
- Junan Taiso - Body conditioning exercises for strength and flexibility
- Kihon Kamae - Basic, emotion-based kamae for basic attack-evasion
- Kihon Kaiten Ukemi - Fundamental rolling and breakfall skills
- Ninja no Ken - Basic fists and striking methods - striking with the hands and elbows
- Hodoki Kihon - Basic grab escapes against wrist, lapel, and sleeve grabs - as-well-as choke and body-grab escape methods
- Use of the strategic principle of leverage to escape holds and restraints
- Kyusho Kihon - Introduction to basic "pressure points" and attacking the weak points of the attacker's body
- Keri Kihon Waza - Lifting and lateral kicking using the knees and shins as weapons
- Chi no Kata Dakentaijutsu Bogyo Gata - Fundamental striking and kicking attack defense examples usingthe "Command Center" of our natural, hardwired, psycho-emotional defense mechanism. (aka "Holding our ground and directing our strengths against the attacker's weak points to control and beat him!")
- Chi no Kata Jutaijutsu Bogyo Gata - Basic grab defense examples using our natural, hard-wired, "Command Center." (aka "Using our natural emotional response to control and crush his grabbing and restraining attacks in order to win!")
- Strategic Thinking and an introduction to the concept of "strength through positioning" rather than relying on size or physical, muscle-based strength - things you will probably NOT have in a real-world self-defense situation.
- 8 Phase model of Effective Self-defense Strategy - where physical self-defense action only makes up one of these phases.
- ...and more!
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$99/(Reg. $197)
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Module 2: "Realm of the Strategic Tactitian"
- Junan Taiso - Intermediate body conditioning exercises to further develop your ability to minimize the energy needed, while maximizing the power and potential of each technique
- Defensive, Long-range Kamae - Intermediate postures designed to control the attacker's ability to get at you, while making it as easy as possible for you to get at him
- Happo Kaiten Ukemi - 8-directional defensive rolling from and to kamae - the ability to use rolling to neutralize the effects of your opponent's locks, holds, and throwing techniques
- Ninja no Ken Atemi - Intermediate fists and striking methods using the body in motion to provide the power, rather than the extension of the arms
- Gyaku-te Kihon - Basic wrist reversals to attack your opponent's wrist in order to lock, control, and throw
- Use of the strategic principles of timing, distancing and angling to control the attacker's perceptions, choices, and ability to get at you
- Kyusho Kihon - Additional pressure point controls added to those learned at Module 1
- Keri Kihon Waza - Straight kicking with the ball and heel of the foot
- Sui no Kata Dakentaijutsu Bogyo Gata - Fundamental striking and kicking attack defense examples using the "Defensive Center" of our natural, hardwired, psycho-emotional defense mechanism. (aka "Pulling away using long-range, defensive angling to unbalance and expose the attacker's weakness so that we can direct our counter-attack at the best targets that will allow us to win with less effort!")
- Sui no Kata Jutaijutsu Bogyo Gata - Basic grab defense examples using our natural, hard-wired, "Defensive Center." (aka "Using our natural emotional response and body-weight-in-motion to pull the attacker off balance and take him down with the least amount of effort!")
- Strategic Thinking and an introduction to the concept of "flow" rather than relying on the start-stop, robotic movement seen in many forms of conventional martial arts
- 5 Phase model of Effective Self-defense Action - where you will learn to recognize each phase that a physical encounter goes through. When you know these "5 Phases," you will always know where you are in the apparent chaos of a fight, and therefor always know what the next, logical step/move should be.
- ...and more!
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$99/(Reg. $197)
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Module 3: "Realm of Direct Commitment and Action"
- Junan Taiso - Additional intermediate body conditioning exercises to further develop your ability to minimize the energy needed, while maximizing the power and potential of each technique
- Aggressive, Close-range Kamae - Intermediate postures designed to preempt and intercept the opponent's intended attack while simultaneously "taking the fight TO him!"
- Shi-ho Ten-chi Tobi - 6-directional leaping and lateral body shifts to avoid, counter, and neutralize the attacker's attempts to damage you
- Ninja no Ken Atemi - Intermediate fists and striking methods designed to concentrate the body's power and strength into the smallest striking area - allowing you to do more damage with less and less effort
- Shi-ho Nage Kihon - 4-directional hip and shoulder throws
- Use of the strategic principles of direct movement, and preemptive timing to attack the opponent's attack
- Kyusho Kihon - Additional pressure point controls added to those learned at Module 1 & 2
- Shi-ho Keri - 4 Directional Stamp kicks
- Hi no Kata Dakentaijutsu Bogyo Gata - Fundamental striking and kicking attack defense examples using the "Aggreesive Center" of our natural, hardwired, psycho-emotional defense mechanism. (aka "Charging in using close-range, direct,committed attacks to unbalance and overwhelm the attacker before he has a chance to get you")
- Hi no Kata Jutaijutsu Bogyo Gata - Basic grab defense examples using our natural, hard-wired, "Defensive Center." (aka "Using our natural emotional response and "get-him" attitude to initiate your defense before his technique is on completely")
- Eliminating the "wind-up" in our body movement so that we can move more directly" with less wasted movement, and therefor lost time during your defensive action
- 4 Sens - The 4 points in a self-defense encounter where you can "initiate" your movement, and how each one produces different effects and outcomes
- ...and more!
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$99/(Reg. $197)
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Module 4: "Realm of Free, Effortless Evasion"
- Junan Taiso - Additional intermediate body conditioning exercises to further develop your ability to minimize the energy needed, while maximizing the power and potential of each technique
- Evasive, Trapping Kamae - Intermediate postures designed to avoid and catch the attacker with his own timing, intention, and movements!"
- Shi-ho Ukemi Gata - 4-directional "flowing" breakfalls and body drops
- Ninja no Ken Atemi - Intermediate fists and striking/parrying methods designed to stall, redirect, and damage the attacker DURING his own attack
- Gyaku Waza - Shoulder locks and dislocations
- Use of last-second timing to avoid and trap the attacker with his own movements
- Kyusho Kihon - Additional pressure point controls added to those learned at Modules 1 - 3
- Keri Furi - Swinging heel and toe-stabbing kicks
- Fu no Kata Dakentaijutsu Bogyo Gata - Fundamental striking and kicking attack defense examples using the "Evasive/Playful" parts of our nature. (aka "Using last-second shifts and "slippery" movement to evade, avoid, and control the attacker's decision-making and ability to get at us")
- Fu no Kata Jutaijutsu Bogyo Gata - Basic rear-grab defense examples using our natural, hard-wired, "Freedom Center." (aka "Using our natural emotional response and avoidance nature to "go with" what he is doing in such a way as to use his own techniques against him - to make him aid us in our own defense")
- Developing the ability to "mirror" his movements and actions so that he can't do anything without giving away his intentions
- ...and more!
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$99/(Reg. $197)
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Module 5: "Realm of Creative Application" (Review and Preparation for Shodan - 1st degree Black Belt)
- Junan Taiso - Additional intermediate body conditioning exercises to further develop your ability to minimize the energy needed, while maximizing the power and potential of each technique
- Single-leg Kamae - Intermediate postures designed to protect the legs and to allow for greater balance and use of the legs" - Review all previous kamae with improvement and ability
- Taihenjutsu Review - Review all body movement skills with significant improvement in balance and structural alignment with your body's parts
- San-Uchi (strike combinations) - Review all 16 fists learned since beginning - developing the ability to strike multiple targets with the same fist, or the same target at mulyiple times with different fists
- Jutaijutsu - Review all locks, reversals and throws with improvement
- Randori kihon - (Basic Sparring) Use of appropriate timing, posturing, distancing and angling to avoid and counter single attacks
- Kyusho Kihon - Review all pressure points learned since beginning
- Kick Combinations & review - Review all learned kicks for improvement. Increased balance control to be able to deliver multiple kicks with the same leg (without putting it down between kicks)
- Basic seated and ground-pin defenses
- Muto-dori Taihen Waza - 4 directional blade avoidance techniques using your walking, rolling, leaping, and body-dropping skills
- Understands the set-up for each of the basic techniques learned since white belt, so that you know what your options are at each point in a defensive encounter
- Knife-defense - basic, unarmed defenses against stabbing and slashing knife attacks
- ...and more!
Purchase Module 5 Now. 50% Off
$99/(Reg. $197)
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Training is delivered via downloadable video lessons and weekly telephone and webinar coaching. You also receive the necessary student workbooks, support materials, etc., at each stage as you progress through the program.
There is no other program like this available anywhere to students looking for a solid, proven, long distance ninjutsu training and coaching program!
Why not go all the way and join other serious students on the Path to real personal and Warrior Mastery? Enroll in Shidoshi Miller's full online training program for long distance students. Start Now by clicking on the link below to be taken to the Program Enrollment Page!
Platinum Online Ninjutsu Training
Special Offer on All 5 Module Curriculum Sets
PLUS Get 2 Extra Bonuses...
BONUS #1: All Module Level Student Workbooks (value $100)
BONUS #2: 3 Months of Platinum Online Training (which includes weekly, members-only group training calls, video review of your progress, and unlimited email access to Shidoshi Miller -- value $591)
Purchase the COMPLETE 5 MODULE SET (White to Black Belt Curriculum Videos) Now. Save Add'l 21% Off!
$495/(Reg. $1,676)