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Thank you for purchasing the Takagi-Yoshin Ryu Shoden no Maki DVD. Your transaction has been completed, and a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you. You may log into your account at to view details of this transaction.
Here's What Happens Now
As soon as we receive our copy of your order confirmation from PayPal, we will process your order on this end. Normally, this only takes a day or two*. Then, we will ship your DVD to you and send you a shipping confirmation.
If, for some reason (like we had a high demand for this item and had to order more before we could ship) we cannot ship within 48 - 72 hours from receipt of the order, we will contact you via email to let you know two things:
1) That we have experienced the delay in shipping, and
2) When you can reasonably expect your item to arrive.
In the meantime, here are the links to some other useful areas on our site that you might find of interest:
For information about our annual Spring and Fall Ninja Training Camps with Shidoshi Miller and other guest instructors, use this link:
Our annual Ninja Training Camps are loaded with more information than you can imagine. Live too far away to train at our academy? Why not plan to attend Ninja Camp and get the training you need to attain true mastery!
To read some really great articles on Ninjutsu, Martial Arts, Mikkyo minnd-science training, and Personal Development, check out our Article Resource Center. Here's the link:
Please make sure that the link has not been broken by your email reader (which often occurs due to it's length). If the link does not work, copy and paste it (along with all apparently random characters that follow it - removing spaces) into your browser and click "Go" before contacting us. PLEASE NOTE: All links have been checked and work in multiple browsers. If the link does not work, it is because your email reader truncated it or split it into 2 or more parts due to your system's settings. Please check these before reporting a "broken" or "non-working" link to us.
That's It!
Again, thank you for your trust and loyalty. We know that you'll enjoy this great training resource.
Now, feel free to return to your browsing of the other informative topics and content inside and, if you haven't already done so...
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It will be sent out about once a week with information pertaining to various aspects of self-protection and personal development. this way, not only will you stay up-to-date on what's going on here at WCI in the way of training programs, courses, new books and self-defense videos, but; you'll also be getting an ongoing supply of free lessons to keep yourself safe and ready for anything.
Again, Thank You for your order.