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Benefits of the Martial Arts in the Modern World September 12, 2006 |
Hi "" Here's your latest edition of the Warrior Concepts Self-Defense Newsletter.
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Benefits of Martial Arts in the Modern Worldby Shidoshi Jeffrey Miller Well, it's been a long week and I'm finally back from my trip to Nacadoches, Texas. I can almost hear the question... "Naka-what?" "Where the heck is that?!" Nacadoches, Texas - while sporting a smaller population than many people are used to, is the oldest town in Texas, here in the United States. It is also the home of Stephen F. Austin University, where I have spent the past week as an independent scholar, helping one of my students to take the message and power of the martial arts to her own students. You see, I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Professor Anne Smith, one of my black belts and a Doctor of Philosophy (among other things), and her husband Dr. Owen Smith, for introducing me to their world of academia. I was first invited to SFA over six months ago as Anne was putting her class, "Philosophy of the Martial Arts" together for this semester. I, along with my long-time friend and oft-times teaching partner, Shidoshi Courtland Elliott of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, were to be expert resources to help reinforce the lessons that she was presenting as a part of her course. I have to tell you that, when she first approached me with the idea, I had my doubts about the program ever going anywhere. Why? Simple. I just wasn't sure how open "The Halls of Educaion" - from the students to the faculty - would be to the lessons of warriorship, self-protection, and the application of these ancient lessons in the modern world. Well... let me tell you... I was pleasantly surprised! Not only did Dr. Anne's class happen so that I could go and help her, but... ...I was very happy with the more-than-warm welcome that Mr. Elliott and I received from everyone there. Not only did we assist with several of the classes - presenting one entire class ourselves - but we also conducted a free public lecture on Friday evening to well over 100 students, faculty members, and members of the local community. Needless to say, we were very pleased! I know that everyone is on this list and reads this newsletter for their own reasons. But, I also know that those reasons fall within the realms that I was called upon to teach - everyone is here because of the personal ability, confidence, and empowerment that's afforded by this training. Regardless of whether you're here to get information for improving your skills in...
Reality-based Street Self-Defense, or... Ancient Lessons in Living the Warrior's Lifestyle ...the benefits of this training is just as needed in this age as it was all those centuries ago in the far-off lands of it's origin. Here's just a partial list of the benefits that I spoke about over the past week. Many of these were actually included in my public talk, while others were discussed in a more private setting as answers to the inquisitive queries from very interested university professors. Remember: This is a PARTIAL list. I'm sure you can (and should) add several of your own benefits to it. But, off the top of my head while the information is still relatively fresh... You can study the arts of self-protection and personal development for...
The truth is that this training, in all of its forms, has so much to offer anyone looking for more confidence, power, and control. It can give you the ability to drop an assailant in the dirt faster than you can tie your shoe... your sense of self-value and allow you to engage the world with power, confidence, and direction, and... can allow you to explore the realm of the warrior - both from the Samurai AND the Ninja's perspective - the realm of committed and directed action for the benefit of self and others. And... a world that is seriously lacking in REAL leaders... ...nothing could be more important or more valuable!
Don't forget...As a subscriber and member of my programs, you receive access to the WCI Forums! Membership is absolutely free, as is all of the great information that's shared by others just like you, who want to make their world as safe as possible. This is the place where like-minded members can freely discuss the tactics, techniques, and strategies for being truly safe in the world. HINT: There's currently a discussion about improvised weapons going on right now on the Forums! Whether you're interested in martial arts, warrior training, Traditional Japanese Ninjutsu (the "art of the Ninja"), or non-martial arts self-defense training, the WCI Forums are a great place to get free ideas, hints and tips from other teachers and students, just like you. If you're not already a subscriber to the Forums, here's the link: But... You MUST hurry if you're going to join. I'm working on the development of a unique program that will be reserved for only the most serious among you. When it's ready, one of the benefits of the program will be access to the forums. We will change all of the passwords and lock out everyone who isn't ALREADY a member. So, take action. Be a part of one of the best resources around for getting this powerful information as-well-as networking with other serious students and explorers.
See you there! Special Shuriken SeminarJoin me live on Saturday, September 23rd at the WCI main academy for a special afternoon seminar on probably the most famous Ninja weapon ever - the Shuriken or "throwing Star!"1 to 4pm, we'll be exploring this ancient tool, as-well-as its...
And the best thing of all is... This special seminar is FREE! That's right... FREE! So, no excuses for not making it a point to be at this event. Even for those who have to travel long distances to get here! If you can't justify driving in for an afternoon seminar that's free, why not increase your value by setting up a private lesson with me to maximize your time and effort. And, to make it easy for folks to do this, I'm offering a huge 50% discount on private classes for participants of the Shuriken seminar. (Keep in mind that my time is limited and there will probably be a signficant demand for my time so, as always... ...private classes will be available on a first-come/first-serve basis - regardless of rank or affiliation with WCI. There you have it. What more could you ask for, except... ...having me teach in your town! (*BTW - If you're interested in having me come to you, just send me an email with your information (telephone #, etc so we can discuss this further) This is a limited time offer and there are no plans to hold another one anytime this year. So, register now and get in on an opportunity to learn a weapon that virtually has "Ninja" written all over it in the martial arts world, and that has the capability of increasing your abilities, understanding, and shear effectiveness a hundred-fold. Register today by calling the Academy at (570) 988-2228. Remember, this seminar is being held Saturday, the 23rd, and will not be held again for free for a VERY long time! Reserve Your Place Today!
Fall Ninja Training Camp 2006!Boy, did I light some fires with my write-up about camp in the last issue. I don't think I've ever had the kind of response that I got for doing nothing short of... ...letting you hang with only the knowledge that something special was brewing for camp. Well, the cat's out of the bag! Fall Ninja Training Camp 2006 will prove to be the best Camp in the history of WCI! You can get more information about it on the web site. Here's the link: (Note: Some browsers and email readers split the link. Please make sure that it begins with "http://" and ends with ".html" before you contact us reporting a broken link) I will be providing updates as Camp gets closer as well as write-ups about what I and the other instructors will be teaching. For now though, I wanted to let everyone know that, this year's camp will be filled to exploding with more Ninja Training than ever before. Here's a list of just some of the topics that I'll be teaching:
And... ...this is BEFORE the breakout instructors unleash their knowledge and lessons for you! Don't forget that with this camp, your tuition covers a lot more than any other training event you could be attending. Seriously. How much would you have to pay for 18 hours of intense training - and with several teachers, not just one? Now... Add...
Camp is valued at over $1,197 but packages start at just $250 for everything listed. Deluxe packages are available with EVEN MORE extras - things like training uniforms, tabi, training gear, private time with me during the camp... ...there's literally too much to list here. You've got to check out the new web page that lists everything. Here's that link again: You've got to hurry though. We are capping this year's camp attendance at 100, including staff. So... Get on the list of attendees and make it happen. And, to help you put a fire under your "fourth point of contact", I'm offering a limited time discount to those who get on board early. This early discount is being limited to the first 20, of which 4 of these have already been taken. Do the math, get moving, and get yourself registered for the most powerful Ninja Camp we've ever thrown! Do It Now!
One Last Thing...I told you about my trip to Nacadoches earlier. What I didn't mention was that I put together one of the most all-inclusive packages ever for the students and participants of my events. The package includes a CD jam-packed with my best eBooks, including:
It also includes 12 of my best articles, several video clips of easy-to-do self-defense moves, and the ever-popular... "Danger Prevention Tactics" DVD. All of my best stuff loaded onto a CD and a DVD! This Ultimate Collection has a value of $172.82. In all honesty, I really wouldn't be doing this except that I had more made than I needed. And right now, I want to get rid of the extra sets. That's the good news for you. The bad news is... ...I only have 17sets remaining! And, when they're gone, I will go back to selling everything individually. I could easily sell the sets for over a hundred bucks. I even thought about selling them for $79. But, I really just want to get back to selling the individual items for what they're worth. So, to get rid of the remaining 18 sets, I'm going to offer them to the members of this list for the same discounted price I made available to the poor college students at SFA. So, for just $50 plus $7 shipping and handling, you can have my most in-demand books and videos to help you take your training and abilities to the next level. Like I said, when these hard items are gone, that's it. I'm not having any more created. I mean, why would I? So, my error is your gain. But... have to act fast! To order a set of these powerful materials for yourself or someone you care about, just call the Academy in the US and Canada at (570) 988-2228. That's it. No internet sales venue (I can't insure that the cutoff doesn't foul up and I don't want to have to issue a crap load of refunds). So, if you want a set, you're going to have to call.
Simple. Easy. Cut and dried.
Want to send me something?You may send questions, comments, or "what-if's" for inclusion in the newsletter using the CONTACT form on the web site - or cut and paste this link into your browser: Just remember to keep your communications clear and to the point (limit each correspondence to ONE point, please). Any comments or questions received that are not easily understood or rife with spelling and grammar errors will be deleted. It's not that I don't want to answer but, if I can't understand your point or what you mean, I can't answer in a way that will be beneficial.
Until next time.
Wishing you Peace, Happiness, and Safety...
(570) 988-2228
"Master Your Self - Master Your Life!"
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