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"Self Defense Tips From the Art of Ninjutsu" October 28, 2009 |
Hi "" You've received this because you are subscribed to the Warrior Concepts Newsletter from Shidoshi Jeffrey Miller. If you no longer wish to receive these informative messages from us, you may unsubscribe at the bottom of this message. REMEMBER: "If you're not training, someone out there IS training to beat you. And, if you meet will LOSE!" - Warrior Reminder
Here is a head's up on 2 of them: EDR Self Defense Training Certification And... Daikomyo-Sai 2009 - 2010 Self Defense Tips:Real Street Fighting and Modern Street Self Defense Tips From the Art of Ninjutsuby Shidoshi Jeffrey M. Miller(C) 2009, Warrior Concepts Int'l, Inc. You don't have to be a Ninja to get some very powerful street self defense tips from the ancient art of Ninjutsu! It's true. There was a time when I was discouraged with what was being offered as traditional martial arts masquerading as effective systems of self defense for today's world. I saw a huge difference between what we practiced in class and used in the tournament ring, and what was really needed for surviving a street fighting self defense situation. Do you know what I mean? But, here's something that I found out. Not all martial arts were created equal. More to the point, most of the conventional systems of martial arts training that we see today, were modified and radically changed from their original combat forms. Fortunately for us, the art of Ninjutsu, a counter-culture to the ruling Samurai, never made the change. What that means for those of us looking for effective and, more importantly - proven - self defense tips, is that what is being taught today is the same thing that was being used by people who had to save their lives from attacks practically every day. It means that what we're learning and putting to use in our modern street self defense situations worked again and again. And... Anything that was tried by an ancient warrior that didn't work - we don't know about. Why? Because it died with him! Here are 3 powerful self defense tips right from the Ninja's art of Ninjutsu that I seriously recommend you adding to your self defense skills. They are not step-by-step techniques but rather concepts that will make any technique better, and good techniques more powerful and effective than you can imagine! 1. Nagare - "Flow": This is the relaxed natural transition of one movement into another without the jerky, start-stop, robotic action of karate-kata. You naturally slip your attacker's attempted punch, grab, or kick, and then, without stopping, respond with a counter attack of your own. 2. Ritsudo - "Rhythm" or "Timing": The ability to move, defend, or attack at just the right moment that makes both your attack a surprise and impossible for your assailant to defend against! 3. Kotsu - "Essence": The technique behind the physical movements. The idea or strategy that we're applying. Instead of "counter-striking his attacking arm," the Ninja sees this as "neutralizing the force of his attack." This way, it's not "how" we're doing what we're doing, but "what" we're doing to him - and "why." If you're looking for powerful self defense tips that are effective, time-tested, and proven, then I recommend that you explore the world of Ninjutsu and the Ninja's ability to adapt to, and deal with, modern street fighting self defense attacks.
Here's the link to get more information and to register: This powerful course outlines 6 phases of an effective self defense strategy and training outline that I recommend if you really want to be able to defend yourself against real-world, brutal attackers who want to beat, break or kill you. And the best part is that it's free when you subscribe to my online newsletter. And don't forget to get your free Ninja training dvd: "Ninja Camp 2004". Click here to get your free course and ninja camp dvd and learn how to really protect yourself - Ninja-style!
If you haven't already done so, I recommend that you visit the website at and see how much information is there for the serious student (over 170 pages!). If you're a business owner, or in management, education, or the health care fields, I recommend that you visit this site on workplace violence and crisis management at
I invite you to be a true ninja warrior - a man or woman of action - and take a*ction. Get going with those things you've been meaning to do for you and do it now! Remember, check the site and get your fr*ee Spring Ninja Camp in-a-box dvd set (just pay for shipping and handling and it's yours - as my way of saying "thanks") Ninja Training DVD Set. Get to the blog or on the forums so you can learn from others. Send me an email or call me to get a personal assessment for moving yourself forward. Take Action... Life waits for no one!
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