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"A Double-Edged Approach For Mastering Personal Protection" October 19, 2009 |
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Here is a head's up on 2 of them: EDR Self Defense Training Certification And... Daikomyo-Sai 2009 - 2010 Reality-Based Self-Defense:A Double-Edged Approach For Successful Personal Protectionby Shidoshi Jeffrey M. Miller(C) 2009, Warrior Concepts Int'l, Inc. Many students, including karate and so-called self-defense teachers really aren't sure where to begin when it comes to mastering the skills needed to protect yourself against a real-world brutal attacker. This article takes outlines the two-fold approach that I share with clients who are serious about surviving a criminal attack. To look at the conventional world of martial arts and self-defense instruction, the conventional approach seems to be to just pick-up a bag full of skills, receive some colored belt rank or maybe a certificate of some kind, and presto, you're ready to go. Right? If that's the correct course, then why are so many so-called experts getting their butts kicked in the real world? Why, if everything works in martial arts school or self-defense class, are their infalible skills failing horribly on the street, when dealing with real-world attacks thrown by serious, real-world attackers? There are lots of reasons but I think the main one is that, for the most part, these courses are simply a case of the blind leading the blind. What that means is that students, who lack the experience at dealing with violence, are attempting learn something from martial arts teachers who, themselves, are lacking real-world experience for handling and surviving real world attack situations. So, what do you need to survive a real self-defense attack? My view on the whole self-defense approach, and what I teach my clients, is 2 sided. First, get as many options as possible so that you can act in different situations and against a variety of attackers. Secondly, in the moment, when an attack is occurring, the student must be able to respond to and handle the violence itself - regardless of where it comes from or what's behind it. Like a double-edged sword, each side is critical if student is to be really successful. The first area, your skill training should arm you with not just tested skills, but an understanding of the important principles and concepts that are being taught by the technique models. That way, you won't have to depend on the taught techniques themselves, but instead be able to act during the attack, not against a official attack but, against whatever your attacker is throwing at you. Several of these foundational ideas include:
The second relates to attitude, or "heart." Regardless of how tough you are, or feel in class with your friends, fellow students, and juniors, what matters in a real self-defense situation is how you act and deal with the pure, animalistic violence being thrown at you by someone who isn't pulling their attacks and doesn't care about your well-being at all. Will you do what you must or end up like every other victim? The only thing that will matter is what no one else but you will do when the moment is on you. This reminds me of the plane ride I took to the tiny island of Grenada when I was in the Army all those years ago. While I sat there, staring at the other side of the aircraft and going over what I would do when I found myself in a real combat zone (assuming we didn't get blown out of the sky first), I heard other guys farther back in the aircraft actually crying. Ironically, these were the same super-troopers who, during practice field exercises where we trained for real combat, went around as-if they were John Wayne and Steven Seagal, acting tough and telling everyone that they were ready to go to war right then and there. Well, here we were - on our way - and they were the least-prepared to deal with the shocking reality of the situation. Register now for my EDR Self-Defense Training Certification Weekend Intensive, Nov. 14th & 15th, 2009. Here's the link to get more information and to register: Your training must insure that you can deal with both his physical attacks, whatever the attack may be, and you must be able commit yourself to winning by dealing with the anger and raw brutality that is a natural part of combat. Two sides to the same coin. Both critical for success. So, examine what you've trusted up to this point, and make sure that you do so using the eyes of a critic, not a blind believer. Check out the news. Ask some law enforcement or security professionals, bouncers, or even combat veterans what it's really like inside a real fight situation with someone who wants to beat, break, or kill you. Then, all beliefs aside, begin to learn what you'll need to fill in the knowledge and skills sets to make sure that you'll come out on top, and not end up on the wrong side of the grass! Do you want to learn more about the way I do it? I have just completed my brand new online e-course to self-defense success, "Foundations of Self-Defense Mastery" Get it free here: Self Defense Course Would you like to learn in hours, rather than months or years, more than most martial arts or self-protection practitioner without all of the ritual, formalized kata, or military-like atmosphere? How? By following this simple, proven formula for self defense success: Jeffrey Miller coaches private students, corporations, and martial arts teachers how to not die or end up as a victim in a violent situation. Jeff says "If you really want to learn the life-saving skills needed to be a master of self protection, I can show you how to get the skills needed to successfully defend yourself against any attacker, guaranteed" Until Next Time. To Your Achievement of Mastery! Jeffrey M. Miller, Shidoshi Warrior Concepts Int'l Self-Protection & Personal Development 362 Market Street Sunbury, Pa. 17801 USA (570) 988-2228 If you haven't already done so, I recommend that you visit the website at and see how much information is there for the serious student (over 170 pages!). If you're a business owner, or in management, education, or the health care fields, I recommend that you visit this site on workplace violence and crisis management at
I invite you to be a true ninja warrior - a man or woman of action - and take a*ction. Get going with those things you've been meaning to do for you and do it now! Remember, check the site and get your fr*ee Spring Ninja Camp in-a-box dvd set (just pay for shipping and handling and it's yours - as my way of saying "thanks") Ninja Training DVD Set. Get to the blog or on the forums so you can learn from others. Send me an email or call me to get a personal assessment for moving yourself forward. Take Action... Life waits for no one!
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