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Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimas! Now, let's get started!
January 01, 2010
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Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimas!

('Congratulations on opening a new dawn'), or "Happy New Year!"

This is the phrase used today, and over the coming week as the Japanese greet their friends, family members, coworkers, and others.

It's not easy to translate Japanese phrases sometimes, especially when the concept is different from what we express here in the West, or in other parts of the world. The first written character in the phrase is actually the only one written using kanji (borrowed Chinese character), with the remaining parts of the phrase being written out in the written kana style that is uniquely Japanese.

I'm sure that, at this point you're wondering why I'm giving you a lesson in Japanese! And, I can assure you that it is VERY relevant to what we are doing together.

The word akemasu (pronounced "ah-kay-mahs'), which is the root verb for 'akemashite', means "to open."

But, the kanji itself is actually written by pairing the kanji for the sun and the moon next to each other. This gives the meaning of something like - "the darkness gives way to the light" - implying the coming of the dawn.

So, the phrase used for Happy New Year is more in tune with acknowledging a persons "new beginning," new dawn," or an opportunity to "open" a new chapter in his or her life. And...

...this is what I'd like for us to focus on.

Regardless of which of my programs you're in right now, of if you're a new member altogether, I'd like you to recognize the great opportunity, and the power to "open a new day (dawn)." Regardless of what didn't happen for you 2009, or what has been holding you back - you have a renewed opportunity to make this year different - more successful - more powerful.

So, what will you do with this this new opportunity?

For me, I am rolling out a brand new, series of online coaching programs that will allow me to help you to get the kind of training you've been asking me about over the past year. While I will still be offering my ebooks, Ninja Camp videos, and other manuals, this year I will be focusing on directly helping those of you who are ready to take action, to take your progress to the next level...

...whether that's with your ninja martial arts training, real world self defense skills, or your life mastery and warriorship studies.

In fact, the first of these online programs is scheduled to begin Thursday, January 7th - the day before my annual Daikomyo-sai seminar celebrating my teacher's birthday.

Here's the link for the online ninja training program:

And, here's the link for the Daikomyo-Sai seminar flyer:

...and registration page:

Space is limited for both of these events and many of the spaces have already been taken.

Again, welcome to the New Year, and the new opportunity to get this important part for your life handled. As for me, I really want to make sure that my new coaching programs that I'm designing for you, have everything that you need to attain mastery. So...

I'd appreciate your help. Send me an email with topics and suggestions that you want help with - that you want me to include in the program that would help you the most at this point in your life. Send the email to:

Well, that's it for now.

Akemashite omedeto gozaimas!

Shidoshi Miller

PS - Get your year started off right by making sure that you have one of the 50 spots (46 remaining) in the upcoming Ninja no Hachimon "8 Gates of the Ninja" online program and/or join me for a weekend of intense training in the Ninja warrior's art of "winning against all odds."

Here's the link for the online ninja training program:

And, here's the link for the Daikomyo-Sai seminar flyer:

...and registration page:

Contact: Warrior Concepts Int'l, Inc/Bujinkan Kuryu Dojo 362 Market St., Sunbury, Pa. 17801 USA Ph# (570) 988-2228

MailBag Submission to Shidoshi Miller

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