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Getting What YOU Need & Defending Without Defending May 12, 2006 |
Hi "" Here's your latest edition of the Warrior Concepts Self-Defense Newsletter.
From the Desk of This issue's feature articles are...
If you received this email from a friend and would like to subscribe, just click on this link. If the link doesn't work with your configuaration, simply cut and paste it into your browser to be taken to the subscription page: As always, there's lots to talk about, so... Let's get started...
Defending Without Defendingby Shidoshi Jeffrey Miller Without a doubt, probably the most common statement used by adults when talking to me about self-defense is... "...I want to learn 'just enough' to be safe." In fact, it's used so often that I made it the slogan for my EDR: Non-Martial Arts Defensive Training System. EDR stands for "Emotion-based Defensive Response," and focuses on combining your body/mind's own natural defense mechanisms with some of the easiest, effective, and proven techniques ever developed. Now, that being said and before anyone can click the unsubscribe link because I am promoting my programs (note: I am. That's the price you pay for free information on the internet), what I want to focus on today are just a few of the highly effective tactics that you can start using right now to communicate to would-be attackers that...'re not a good target for them. How does that sound? Wouldn't it be great to not have to need physical self-defense techniques because you were communicating messages through your body-language, presence, and demeanor that said to an assailant... "...choose an easier target. This one's going to be too much trouble." I know it would. Because these same traits, strategies, and skills work for me and just about every real self-defense expert out there. Now, don't confuse my asking "wouldn't it be nice to not need to rely on physical self-defense techniques" with my saying that you shouldn't learn them. What I'm going to share with your right now works - and it works often. However... ...these strategies are NOT guaranteed. NOTHING is! And, if you use these tactics and, for whatever reason, the assailant attacks you anyway... better be able to physically handle the situation! Here are the best things that you can do right now to increase your safety and decrease the liklihood of you becoming the victim of a violent attack:
These are not strategies that I invented but come directly from proven scientific research in the areas of non-verbal human communication, psychological influence, leadership traits and characteristics, and the like. If you want to learn "just enough" to be safe without having to train for years in the physical techniques of the martial arts and self-defense...'s where you do it. Two things though: 1) These skills are no different than any other and may, under the right circumstances - fail, and... 2) You will still need to practice them to become proficient. Unlike a karate stance that, if done correctly, may fool others into believing that you know more than you do, when it comes to the skills I've pointed out here... can't fake them. The human brain can detect, at subconscious and unconscious levels, when someone is faking strength, dominance, and leadership. It may take a bit of time, but eventually it will spot the flaws. Do yourself a favor. Practice all the time. But don't let anyone know you're practicing.
Use your friends and co-workers, people on the street, etc. The more you practice, the better you'll get until, one day, these will just be things you do... all the time.
That being said, if you want to learn more about "what isn't" being taught in most programs... ...about other important topics that you must be aware of if you are to be able to effectively protect yourself in a dangerous situation with the LEAST amount of wear and tear on yourself as possible... ...then you really need to read my book... "The Karate-Myth: Why Most Martial Arts and Self-Defense Programs are Wrong and How to Be Safe in Today's World!" You can get more information about it by clicking on this link: Does all this seem overwhelming? It should. That's why a fight or criminal attack is something to be avoided... ...regardless of what color your martial art belt is or how much experience you have. That's why I produced the Danger Prevention Tactics video. It covers all of the important avoidance and evasion techniques that will allow you to escape from a dangerous situation or prevent them from happening to you in the first place. Get your copy by clicking on this link: REMEMBER: Make sure that your link is active (blue and underlined) and that your email software has not broken the text. Especially check to make sure that the full (".html") ending is intact.
Tailoring Your Experience and Knowledge to Just What YOU NeedI have always sought to be able to provide this massive storehouse of knowledge that I've accumulated over the past three decades to as many people as possible. However, unlike the majority of self-defense and martial arts instructors who only teach one way, I have always looked for new and specific ways to "package" pieces of information for different types of people. I feel that, if each person has access to the material in a way that best suits his or her needs, lifestyle, and preferences, then they will be able to learn fast, progress further, and get where they're going much, much faster. Make sense? In that light, what I've done is to produce several topic-specific lists, each with it's own newsletter, focus, and direction... help each of you to get what you want and need. That being said, this specific newsletter will remain as-is and be dedicated to covering only general self-defense principles. I have, over the past year, lost several good and well-meaning subscribers because I was using this single publication to cover far too many areas. Up to now, this newsletter has been the vehicle to convey articles on such topics as:
In order to insure that each of you is getting just the information that you want and need from me, please click on this link, or the button below it to go to a subscriber page to select from a menu of highly targeted and specific newsletters - all free. You my choose one, several, or all of them and thereby stay informed and up-to-date on only those areas of interest that fit your unique situation and lifestyle. Look them over here and choose the one you want to focus on. If you know you'll want more than one, instead of subscribing separately, just click on this link and you'll be taken to a master list where you can select any or all of the new formats and only have to fill in your subscriber information once.
If you're a parent, regardless of whether or not your child takes martial arts, and want to get proven strategies and methods for helping your son or daughter to be the best that they can be, then click here...
If you are interested in traditional weapons of the ancient Japanese Samurai and Ninja families - weapons like the katana, long staff, and many others, you'll want to make sure you subscribe here
If you want real-world, practical techniques designed for women's self-defense, this newsletter is for you...
This powerful newsletter is designed just for those of you who want to be the best that you can be, in every aspect of your life!
Turned on by the history, lore, and legacy of Japan's Ninja Night Warriors? This newsletter will focus on all things related to Ninjutsu, Ninpo, and the Ninja's way of life.
And, for those of you who want to learn all you can about the subject of natural human response to danger and the EDR: Non-martial Arts Self-Defense System, this is the newsletter for you.
Your Input Is Important!Why wait for this newsletter to reach your email box to stay informed about the subjects that matter most to you? The WCI Forums! consist of 40 subsections and enough topics for just about everyone interested in some aspect of Self-Protection, Personal Development, and Warriorship as offered by Warrior Concepts. We have individual forums that cover interests including:
WCI Forum! membership has grown rapidly over the past several weeks and the discussions are really starting to heat up. So, get in on the action and help make this one of the most active, informative, and useful discussion areas on the world wide web! Get your membership to the WCI Forums by clicking on this link: Are you registered for this year's...Spring Ninja Training CampJune 2nd - 4th, 2006.Join me and several other senior black belt instructors for a weekend of intense training... Ninja-Style! You just can't get a better training deal than a WCI Ninja Training Camp. Just look at all you get...
You get a complete seminar package, including lodging AND meals, with senior black belt instructors in the art of Ninjutsu - people who know what it takes to protect yourself from a dangerous attacker and empower your life for success. A $595 value for only $199! AND...
Use one of the buttons below to register through our secure PayPal server:
To Pay-in-Full
Not Sure Yet?No problem... You can get Full details and a downloadable flyer from the Ninja Camp information page at: The PayPal links are NOW ACTIVE so you can register right from the web site. Or, if you prefer to register for this intense weekend of training in the ways and skills of the Ninja Warrior by phone, simply call the Academy at (570) 988-2228 with your card information.
Remember...In addition to all of the great stuff to be had and do at camp, the 1st 20 students registered will also receive a FREE copy of the Camp video! (and we're almost there, so...) (Another $40 value! - at the camp discount price)
Also mark your calendars as... Fall Ninja Camp is scheduled for November 3rd - 5th, 2006. Want to come for half-price? Regi.ster now and save $100!
Go to the camp page using the above link and click on the appropriate PayPal button to register.
Full Online Store Coming to!Watch the site over the next few weeks as we get our new online store up and running! You'll be able to get quality items for your self-defense and martial arts training needs in one location - and from someone you can trust. The store will offer subscriber discounts, specials, and more - just for my students and clients. BUT... Here is my promise to you. I, like everyone else, would like to make a few bucks by selling stuff online. However, my first priority is to make sure that you get what you need in the way of quality information, resources, and aids. So... I promise that everything that you find in the WCI Online Store will have been tried, tested, used, and/or reviewed by me personally. That way you'll know that you're getting something that works the way it should. Again, check the site at over the next several days and weeks to watch the new store coming into being for YOU! What's New...As I mentioned in the last issue, there are some brand new resources online at http://www.warrior-concepts-online.comMany of these include resources especially designed for parents and child caregivers. Among them are two fr.e.e special reports: "10 Really Stupid Things Parents Do to Place Their Child in Danger Without Evening Knowing It!" Here's the link: And... "Child Safety 24/7" Here's the link:
NOTE: Make sure you check the link before you click or cut and paste it. We've been finding that some of the email readers have a tendancy to cut text at the wrong places. Our members have reported that the "ml" at the end of our links (should be ".html") is often cut and moved to the next line of text. If this happens, or you get an error message like "Page Doesn't Exist", please check the link - especially this part. If it's missing, just add it to complete the string and that should fix the problem.
Also, I'll be adding several other resources this week, including:
...and more.
As always, if you're looking for something specific, send me something using the contact form on the website or post it on the forums (you can also send me an email there!).
Well, I think that's it for now.
If you didn't make it for this months free webinars (online training seminars), You Really Missed a Lot of really great material!
If you did miss it, you can always get the recording which will be ready and available soon. But, remember... can't get the benefit of being able to participate directly and influence the content of this powerful new training opportunity with your personal questions if you don't participate!
I'll be scheduling this month's webinars in a few days. One of them will be on the concepts of Kamae or, what some people might call "stances."
The 2nd webinar topic is a secret. But, it is related to, and will be a great prelude to this year's Spring Camp! This is YOUR chance to get what you need - fre.e!
Until Next Time!
Wishing you Peace, Happiness, and Safety...
(570) 988-2228
"Master Your Self - Master Your Life!"
Do you have something of interest? A comment? Suggestion?
Drop me a line using this link. Please remember to stay focused on one point and, if your comment is NOT for general publication, you MUST state that in your message. Otherwise, all correspondence with me will be considered free for use in whatever way I may deem appropriate for public use.
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