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Ninjutsu Self-Defense Training Online & More! March 22, 2006 |
Hi "" Here's your latest edition of the Warrior Concepts Self-Defense Newsletter.
From the Desk of This issue's feature articles are...
New Sources for Online Ninja Martial Arts Training
If you received this email from a friend and would like to subscribe, just click on this link. If the link does not work with your configuaration, simply cut and paste it in your browser to be taken to the subscription page: As always, there's lots to talk about, so... Let's get started...
Last Chance Reminder...Just a final reminder about the upcoming Defensive Combat Handgun Seminar this weekend at WCI Central Academy. This is a level 1 foundations course that will teach you the four "Pillars" or areas needed to be truly proficient when it comes to self-protection with regards to handguns.The cost is only $79. Remember: These courses are only offered once or twice a year so... To get more information and download the flyer, here's the page with the download link: Online Ninja TrainingYou know, hardly a day goes by without my receiving a phone call or email requesting more information about where someone can go to get reliable information about Ninjutsu training online. Calls and email comes in from, not only the United States but, from as far away as Europe and even India. Ahh, the global nature of the net... The problem is that, most of these folks have found a benefit within the pages of our newsletter. They like what they read about warriorship and the benefits of real-world martial arts training. Many want to get the full benefits of what we teach, but... ...I'm in Pennsylvania and they are... Unfortunately, I cannot recommend schools or training groups to most of these folks for a couple of reasons. The most important of them include...
What I can do is to find out what people want and perhaps help them to get it through martial arts and ninjutsu training online. And there are several ways that we here at WCI are doing just that. In an effort to bring you as much usable material, and in as many formats as possible, we currently offer the following avenues for the serious student or parent to get this knowledge and put it to use in your life.
If fact, if you go to the ezinearticles website, you'll find me listed among thr top expert authors for them. Click on my name and get a complete listing of the 50 articles currently in their directory. (*Check out the newest post at the WCI Blog to see why I'm celebrating!)
...a Black Belt Home Study Course for those who really want to take charge of their training under me.
Please Note: the registration page is password protected so you will need to type the following, exactly as it appears, to gain access: Password: Foundations Mastery Please Note that the sign-in server is case-sensitive so remember to use initial caps on both words to make sure that you are not locked out. Got it? Okay then... Here's the link:
The WCI Forums are completely moderated and members-only so you'll need to register to use them. In addition, certain sections are password protected and locked out to all but certain student types. To inquire about access priveledges, please send a note to a moderator for details. You will find the link to the new WCI Forums at the top right on the WCI Homepage, or click this link to go there...
And, Introducing the Newest Training Opportunity...
And, speaking of seminars...Register for Spring Ninja Training Camp...Before April 1st, 2006 and SAVE $50! Please Note the Date Change The new camp dates are June 2nd - 4th, 2006. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause but we were only just notified of the inability for the camp to have us due to severe wind damage over the Winter and the need to make repairs. This Full details and a downloadable flyer can be downloaded from the Ninja Camp information page at: The PayPal links are NOW ACTIVE so you can register right from the web site. Or, if you prefer to register for this intense weekend of training in the ways and skills of the Ninja Warrior by phone, simply call the Academy at (570) 988-2228 with your credit card information.
Remember...In addition to all of the great stuff to be had and do at camp, the 1st 20 students registered will also receive a FREE copy of the Camp video!
Also mark your calendars as...
Fall Ninja Camp is scheduled for November 3rd - 5th, 2006. Want to come for half-price? Register now and save $100! Want to Help Spead the Word?Can't travel to train with me here?Want to offer my books and videos through your web site or ezine? Want to help me get the word out to others? Help yourself by helping me to help others. Can't Travel Here for Training? No Problem. Why not host a seminar and bring me to you? Actually, that's how I funded my own training in the early days. I sponsored a seminar with my teacher and let others know about it. The participants paid their training fees which covered the cost of the event and...
You can't beat that! Offer My Books and Videos to others and earn a commision on every sale It's simple. You get your affiliate code and place it on your website or in your ezine, along with my links and sales letter. Everytime someone clicks through to my site and purchases something - you get paid. Commissions range from 25 - 50%, depending on the item. Tell Others About In your travels throughout the vastness of cyberspace, why not lt others know about the great information you've found. Feel free to submit our link to other related and complimentary sites, forums, and the like. Another great idea is to add our link to your sig at the end of your emails. As my teachers always told me... "The Greatest Compliment that You Can Give Us is to Refer Warrior Concepts to Others."
Don't forget to check out my latest book, "The Karate-Myth," and find out why I say that most martial arts and self-defense courses don't work You can read more about it and order here. It, and several bonus resources, are ready for immediate download to your computer so, you can make this information yours in just minutes. Do it! ****************************** If you haven't taken advantage of the low introductory price on the Danger Prevention Tactics DVD Combo Package Get all the information about this material that literally ANYONE can put to use right away. And, the most unique thing about this video is... one else is teaching this stuff! Here's the link: You've got another few days before the price goes UP...
Training Tip for the Solo PractitionerIn this section, I'll be sharing tips and techniques for those of you who are involved in solo, or self-training, or want to augment the training you are getting elsewhere. There will be ideas, tactics and strategies for everyone. So make sure you open and read your newsletter as soon as you get it.These tips will only be added to the site... ...AFTER my newsletter readers have had a chance to get them. And many won't be available anywhere else. This Issue's Tip... The Ninja were best known for their information-gathering skills. In this light, make sure that you are gathering information about what you will most likely have to deal with in an attack situation. Your awareness is only as good as your ability to direct it. So... ...what do you have to be watching for - what are the most likely dangers - in your part of the world? Sign-up for the free webinar titled: "Awareness as the Key to Effective Self-Protection: What to be Aware of" April 6th at 8:30pm EST & April 7th at 10pm We'll be discussing this and many other important aspects of "knowing what you need" to insure your success in a self-protection situation.
Pot-Luck Drawing...How would you like to get FR.EE equipment, patches, videos, T-shirts... etc. from me? I thought you might! Due to a recent computer issue that has put me back in work by several days, the details haven't been worked out just yet but, in an upcoming issue, I'll will outline a brand new Potluck Drawing where you'll be able to enter for a chance to win stuff. Who knows what it will be from one drawing to the next? Stay tuned for all the details...
Did You Know...The FBI enstimates that 1-in-3 women can expect to be raped at least once in her lifetime get that number, they had to lower the age for a "woman" to 9 with no maximum age!
Where most martial arts academies teach the lessons of one historical "style" or lineage... ...the Warrior Concepts Curriculum is made up of the techniques, strategies, and wisdom of at least 9 historical lineages that came to us from Japan with earlier Chinese and Himalyan influences.
"The more options you have in any given situation... ...the greater your chance of success!" - Shidoshi Miller Points to Ponder...1. "Wisdom begins with a question, and ends far beyond the answer."2. "A rose, is a rose, is a rose -- but, what is a rose?"
Until Next time...
Peace and Happiness,
Jeffrey M. Miller, Shidoshi Please send in those testimonials and comments. Many of you tell me on a regular basis why you come to my camps, seminars, and classes and how you think I'm doing. NOW it's time to tell everyone else! Seriously. It sounds very conceited and "sales-like" when I say how great something is but, when YOU say it, people take notice and listen. Why? Because you are a student just like them. You are the ones who return class after class and year after year (many of you coming in for private lessons with me separately from Camps and Seminars). This says something about yourselves but, it also says something about what you believe you're getting from me and these powerful events. So, please. Send me something to post so others will know what they're missing. ****************************************** Want to send me a question or comment.... Enter the word "QUESTION" or "COMMENT" in the subject box and email it to me at Please keep your submission short and to the point. Any submissions that stray from topic, require too much in the way of editing (please use the spell-check and grammar check functions on your word processor - after all, you paid for them!), or are self-serving and abusive will simply be deleted. I'll try to answer your email personally, especially if it's of a personal nature but most submissions will be answered here. ******************************* Do NOT respond directly to this email. Click on the following link to make sure that I get your submission: MailBag Submission to J. M. Miller |
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