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Warrior Concepts Self Defense Newsletter, Issue #006 -- Real Training for Real People! July 22, 2005 |
Hi ""In This Issue...
Arguably, the number one determining factor in the success of those who have had to actually protect themselves from danger is... ... prior planning. What does that mean? Is it attending martial arts or self defense training classes? Is it watching the news and keeping up with current trends in how criminals are attacking innocent citizens? Is it buying a gun and making sure that it is ready to go should you need it? While all of the above certainly fall within the theme of prior planning and preparation, I believe that the answer lies even at the foundation of these things. What is it that determines whether you will decide to enroll in and progress through a defensive training class? What guides your decision-making (other than local laws and regulations) as to whether or not you will have a firearm for self-protection? What is it that compels you to discipline yourself to keep track of criminal activity and methodology in the first place? The answer is: Thinking through the possible situations that you are most likely to encounter and planning for a successful outcome... ... BEFORE you ever find yourself in the situation. What types of attacks or life-threatening situations might you be faced with in your world? Are you a traveler and therefore have to consider the possibility of a downed plane, train accident, or car crash? Does your job or occupation involve contact with outsiders? Do you find yourself required to meet with strangers in unfamiliar places like a realtor? Are you a law enforcement or security professional? Each of the above places certain requirements on your planning stage. The Danger Prevention Tactics Video offers an excellent starting point for increasing awareness and offering tactics used by professionals every day for surviving situations that literally kill most. You can find ordering information for this powerful video at Get it. Watch it. And use it as the tool that it is for increasing your ability to "Be Prepared." Remember: It's better to have the ability to protect yourself and never need it than to need it and not have it. After all - the one thing that almost every victim has in common is the thought that "it would never happen to them." The Danger Prevention Tactics Video is being reviewed by a national promotion and marketing company for television and high-end retail distribution. Stay tuned to this newsletter for future updates! COMING SOON! I'm updating a book I had written some years ago called "RAPE: America's Mythical Crime" that focuses on the myths and realities of this terrible crime. When it's finished, the book will be completely up-to-date with the latest statistics, as-well-as information on how to deal with the different types of assaults. Anyone, man or woman, concerned about dealing with this often overlooked crime will want to add this powerful book to his or her self-defense library.
Watch for future updates on the status of RAPE: America's Mythical Crime which will be posted here first.
Self-Defense Tip -Approching an ATMIn keeping with the theme of this issue, let's take a look at a preplanned, and proven tactic for avoiding the life-changing terror of being attacked at an ATM - one of the favorite targets of opportunist-type thieves. For those of you who need a visual demonstration of this tactic in action, refer to the Danger Prevention Tactics Video and you'll see just how simple this can be. The trick to avoiding danger at an ATM, or anywhere for that matter is to... ... pay attention to your surroundings as you approach the terminal. Let's face it, a little awareness can go a long way. The key here is mindfulness. Avoid the habit of thinking about what your going to be doing with the money after you get it, or being too caught up in a conversation with a companion. Remember, as convenient as ATMs are for us, they also provide a convenient location where people will be WITH money and therefore act to attract thieves as a flam attracts moths. Remember: The DTP video also contains followup tactics for dealing with an assailant who attacks you AFTER you are at the machine.
The 2 DVD set of our Spring Ninja Camp 2004 is here! If you were not one of the participants at this powerful and intense training weekend, you can still learn the secrets to personal defense and living the warrior lifestyle that were revealed to those who were in attendance. This set includes sessions by internationally-known and respected master instructors J. Courtland Elliott and Greg Tremblay of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and, of course, yours truly. Topics include: traditional and modern weapon use and defense; defending against multiple attackers; developing the "master" in yourself; and much, much more. There is so much information on these DVD's, it will literally take you months to digest everything that was taught. To order, call the Academy at (570) 988-2228 with your credit card information to get your copy of this awesome training resource. The cost of this 2 DVD set is just $24.95 USD so, call to get your copy today. Call now!
Want to join me in Japan this Fall for one or two weeks of training, site-seeing, and adventure? I'm currently working on a brochure page on the web site for this year's Japan Trip. As I said earlier, I've been very busy with personal family matters but the page should be up and ready this week. Let me just say that, there are only 10 spaces on these yearly trips and three are already taken with two more probably going soon. This is a $10,000 per person trip for the VERY low price of 2,600 plus food and souvenier money!!! Stay tuned.
TRAINING ALERT!Sorry for the last minute notice but...I will be teaching an intensive workshop at the Kageyama Martial Arts Academy in Toronto, Ontario on Saturday, July 23rd, 2005 (told you this was last minute!). The focus for this powerful training experience will be on the secrets and science of positioning for safety. This is called kamae or kurai dori within our Ninja self-defense arts and usually given only a cursory glance by beginners and advanced students alike. The cost of this 3-hour intensive is just $20 Canadian! (That's like 38 cents US, right?!) Seriously, I will be teaching stuff that has taken me years and literally thousands of dollars to learn and figure out. You would do well to do everything in your power to attend. Your other option is to stumble around and try to piece this information together like I did, and for a lot more than $20 dollars Canadian! To reserve your space, call Kageyama Martial Arts at (416) 963-5680. We're looking to fill the place to capacity so, I'm sure they'd be Okay with you just showing up at the door. Again, to register, call Kageyama Martial Arts at (416) 963-5680 - or, to find out how you can sponsor this same course in your area, call Warrior Concepts International / Bujinkan Kuryu Dojo today at (570) 988-2228. You'll also find more information and details about this year's Fall Training Camp scheduled for November 4 - 6th, 2005, here. Get FR*EE Training and Make Some Money for Yourself at the Same TimeI'm looking for some business partners. Applicants must be motivated self-starters with a desire to help themselves and others to learn how to protect themselves. Affiliates will be licensed to offer my ebooks, videos, as-well-as setup seminars and training opportunities in either their own or other areas. As soon as I have worked out the details, I will be opening the doors for membership. I can guarantee though, that I will make sure that my parftners are well taken care of. Affiliates will receive a generous commission on sales as well as receiving free merchandise and training from me personally.In the meantime, if this is something that you're interested in, go to the contact pageand send me your information and the fact that you're interested in being one of my partners. Then, as soon as the program is ready, you'll be one of the first to know. The contact page is here.
So, Until next time. Live Free. Be Happy. And... ...stay safe.
Peace and Happiness,
Jeffrey M. Miller, Shidoshi
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