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REMEMBER: "If you're not training, someone else somewhere is. And, if you meet them, you will lose."
- Shidoshi Jeffrey Miller
From the Desk of:
Shidoshi Jeffrey Miller
Thursday, January 1st, 2009
9:13PM EST Time
The upcoming Daikomyo-Sai Seminar Celebration hosted by Warrior Concepts' founder and Bujinkan Kuryu Dojo-cho, Shidoshi Jeffrey Miller will be held January 9 - 11th, 2009 at the WCI academy in Sunbury, Pennsylvania. Reserve your place by calling the academy at (570) 988-2228. The theme for this year's Daikomyo-sai is Togakure-Ryu Ninjutsu. In addition to training, there will be a special birthday celebration dinner on Saturday evening and a Goma, New Years goal-setting ceremony on Sunday afternoon.
Here is the link for the Daikomyo-Sai 2009 event flyer.
Gun Defense
Surviving Your Worst Nightmare!
by Shidoshi Jeffrey M. Miller
(C) 2009, Warrior Concepts Int'l, Inc.
Whether you're a gun-control advocate, a member of the NRA, or you don't have any particular like or dislike for firearms, the fact remains that, as long as criminals have access to them, you may find yourself in a self-defense situation where you will have to deal with them.
I have lots of friends who take martial arts or study self-defense. As I should, since this is what I do - it's the world in which I live.
Not surprising.
But what is surprising is the number of them who don't want to train with, think about, or deal with guns. Now, I can understand not liking guns, In the wrong hands, they are very dangerous things. I can also understand not liking baseball bats, knives, and nunchuks for the same reason.
What I can't understand is how many martial arts and self-defense students (and teachers) simply want to avoid something like firearms - a common weapon in the criminal community - altogether. You don't have to like them. You don't have to carry one. But, in Today's world, living in denial and then finding yourself staring down the barrel of a gun, or feeling the hard, bluntness of that weapon pressing into your back, gut, or head, could be living your worst nightmare.
And, if you're going to survive this nightmare, you need to acknowledge and prepare for it BEFORE it ever happens. Like the saying goes, "forewarned is forearmed."
But, how do you prepare for something that you've never dealt with before?
Good question.
And the answer is, by doing what you've always done when you didn't know something. You find someone who does and get them to teach you. Just like learning to tie your shoes or drive a car, you learn from someone who can already do that thing.
The difference between defending against a gun-wielding assailant and, say, tying your shoes is that, there's more than one type of situation you may have to deal with. When you learned to tie your shoes, you only needed to learn one skill, one way, and you were set for life. Regardless of whether you were wearing shoes, sneakers, or boots, if they had two strings or laces, you were set.
Unfortunately, attack scenarios come in many shapes and sizes. Variables include not only the type of attack but:
- Environmental conditions
- Number of assailants, and...
- Weapons
In the case of attacks involving firearms, your personal nightmare could involve one of three possible scenarios.
- Your attacker could be armed and you're not
- You could be armed and your attacker is not, and...
- You and your attacker could be armed (with the same or different weapons)
And each of these scenarios requires different skills to effectively neutralize the threat and survive. Some of these skills include:
- Disarming techniques for taking a weapon from an attacker
- Retention skills for preventing him from taking your weapon
- Shooting skills that are effective under pressure
- Choosing appropriate cover or positioning to avoid incoming fire
- Efficient reloading skills
Drawing, aiming, and using the weapon while walking, running, rolling, etc.
These skills and more are covered in "Surviving Under Fire," a new dvd video course. You can get more information here.
It's true that defending against a gun-toting assailant can be one of your worst nightmares. And, while no one wants to have to live this nightmare, there are solid principles and lessons that you can learn to be a survivor instead of tomorrow's headlines.
But, before you can survive, you must learn to face the fact that this type of training must be a part of your overall self-defense study. Because no amount of denial, wishing, or wanting guns to go away, will change the fact that no law has ever prevented anyone from having weapons except for law-abiding citizens.
Jeffrey M. Miller is an internationally-recognized self-defense expert. He is a speaker, consultant, writer, video producer, and seminar leader on the topics of self-protection, workplace violence, rape-defense, and more. His video training course, "Surviving Under Fire," is available through his web site at: www.warrior-concepts-online.com Corporate, organizational, and media inquiries should call Warrior Concepts International (in the US and Canada) at (570) 988-2228.
Special Introductory Offer: Order "Surviving Under Fire" before Monday, January 5th, and Save 35% off the complete set AND get free shipping within the continental United States. That's a savings of over $41 off the regular price. Here's the link to get your set before the price goes back up:
If the link is not active, simply copy and paste it into your browser.
Also, don't forget, this is your LAST CHANCE to order your copy of the Hanbo, Jutte, and Tessen seminar video from the recent Special Weapons and Tactics seminar held last month. This special pre-order deal ends in just a few days.
Here's the link to order your video:
You'll be able to learn and train with these principles at this year's Daikomyo-sai Seminar & Celebration, January 9th - 11th, 2009. For details and to download the event flyer, here's the link again:
Don't forget to subscribe to the all new "Science of Self-Defense" video series. It contains 20 videos where I answer both the most common frequently asked questions about self-defense as-well-as questions that you SHOULD be asking but didn't know you didn't know. There is absolutely no cost. All you have to do is subscribe and the first one will be on it's way to you in minutes.
To subscribe, go to http://www.warrior-concepts-online.com/self-defense_videos.html
The WCI website is going through a MAJOR change. In just a few short weeks, we'll be rolling out the all new and improved site that will literally have something for everyone.
There will be a central WCI hub where you will be able to get general information, articles, etc. But, you will also be able to click over to any one of five sub-sites, each designed specifically for one of our student types. So...
...regardless of whether you're looking for self-defense information, corporate training, women's self-defense, Bujinkan training, or personal development/life-coaching, there will be a specific area just for you. And...
... each area will have its own resource section, newsletter, reports, and complimentary e-courses.
There will even be a brand new area for our local students and prospects training right here at the home academy.
So, make sure you watch for the all-new, and greatly improved Warrior-Concepts-Online.com!
Want to send me something?
You may send questions, comments, or "what-if's" for inclusion in the newsletter using the CONTACT form on the web site - or cut and paste this link into your browser: http://www.warrior-concepts-online.com/contact-longdistance.html
Just remember to keep your communications clear and to the point (limit each correspondence to ONE point, please). Any comments or questions received that are not easily understood or rife with spelling and grammar errors will be deleted. It's not that I don't want to answer but, if I can't understand your point or what you mean, I can't answer in a way that will be beneficial.
Until next time.
To Your Attainment of Mastery!
Jeffrey M. Miller, Shidoshi
Warrior Concepts Int'l
Self-Protection & Personal Development
362 Market St.
Sunbury, PA. 17801
(570) 988-2228
MailBag Submission to J. M. Miller