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Why Are Most Martial Arts and Self-Defense Programs Wrong? February 17, 2006 |
Hi "" Why Are Most Martial Arts and Self-Defense Programs Wrong? February 16th, 2006
From the Desk of
In the last edition, I gave everyone a "head's up" about my new book, titled... THE KARATE-MYTH: Why Most Martial Arts and Self-Defense Programs Don't Work and How to be Safe in Today's Violent World... I told you that it would be available after the 10th of January. Well, I was wrong! I'm still getting a handle on this whole internet thing and, obviously, progress was slower than expected. Well, finally... ... it's here! As I said in the last post, I'm very excited about this project. As many of you know, I am a little less than politically correct. Okay, I'm a lot less than politically-correct! And, true to form, this book pulls no punches in identifying why most programs and instructors CANNOT even come close to teaching you what you will need to know to survive a violent attack. I know, I know. That's really going to set some people off. And that's okay. The way I see it, the only ones who AREN'T going to be upset are those who, like me, have the real-world experience to back up what they teach; not someone else's word for it or the belief that what they're doing is right. EVERYBODY believes that what he or she is doing is right. It's an ego defense mechanism. "After all," as the logic goes, "if it wasn't 'right', I wouldn't be doing it!" Let me ask you something... If all of these programs and so-called self-defense experts are right... Why do women who take rape-defense courses get raped? Why do martial artists of whatever age, gender, or skill-level, get assaulted, beaten, broken, and even killed? Why do children who have gone through "Stranger-Defense" programs get abducted? Why? Because most programs - no, most instructors - are not providing the most crucial pieces of information that a student needs to survive a dangerous situation. In fact, most instructors lack one life-changing characteristic that separates them from true "experts." And that ONE thing can and does make ALL the difference in the world. Know what that is? It's... ...EXPERIENCE! Experience with actually having to use what they teach in a real-world situation against a violent attacker trying to really damage them. I'm NOT talking about how well their techniques work in a sterile classroom setting or even in a rule-laden sports ring during a karate tournament. I'm talking about a real, honest-to-goodness, attack from an assailant who doesn't care how much training you have or what color your way-cool karate belt is. All they care about is breaking you down and accomplishing whatever it was that they set out to do. You'll find the answers to these and many more questions inside this new book. But, unlike most self-defense books and videos that try to teach you step-by-step techniques that you can learn almost anywhere, "The Karate-Myth" teaches you what over thirty years of law enforcement, security, and military training taught me. You will benefit from my experience so you will be prepared when every thing that you think, say, or do... ...MATTERS! Here's the link where you'll be able to read more about this awesome book and get some free insider tips for increasing the value of your own training right away. Go there right now and start curing yourself of the dreaded "karate-myth":
********************************** ALSO -- We've just re-released the "Danger Prevention Tactics" video... ...on DVD! With the help of a very gifted student and technical wizard (I can see him blushing already. Sorry man, I know, "guys don't blush!"), the new format has a brand new cover design and disc label that is really inline with what we're trying to communicate. I'll have the new page up with the updated graphics in a few days. But, you can get information about the video right now at ****************************** Book and video aside though, there REALLY is nothing like participating and learning in a live training event. So... ...don't forget about my new Sunday Private Training sessions at WCI Central. You must call ahead or send me an email and reserve your place in these powerful, closed-door training sessions. Please note: These sessions are not for the idly curious. And I must have enough people registered to hold them. They are limited to WCI Black Belts and Shinobi-kai program students, as-well-as other Ninjutsu and Mikkyo students from other schools and/or training groups. The schedule and cost for the Sunday Private Training Sessions are as follows: Mikkyo Training: 1 - 2:30pm $10/ea Ninpo Training: 3 - 4:30pm $25/ea Cost for both: $30 Space for these events is extremely limited so that everyone gets plenty of hands-on attention from me. ****************************** The tentative date set for Spring Camp is May 19 - 21. I am still waiting to here from Camp Mt. Luther as to whether or not they can accommodate us. As soon as this date is firm, I will be placing the flyer up and attaching a link so that you can register and pay for camp online. As for other training opportunities, I will have that schedule worked out in the next few days. So check the website often for updates. ****************************** WHY NOT SPONSOR A SEMINAR IN YOUR LOCAL AREA? Can't seem to make it to my events here at WCI Central Academy? No problem! Why not take the initiative and bring the knowledge to you're area? Send me an email at and put "Sponsor Info" in the Subject box. I'll send you information for sponsoring a seminar in your local area and how you can get your training for free and maybe even make some extra money for yourself in the process! Now, who can beat that kind of situation?! Sponsoring a seminar is really easy and can be a lot of fun. In fact, that's exactly what I did when I first started in Ninjutsu. I was living in Germany and working for the US ARMY as a military policeman. So, getting to training back here in the States, or anywhere for that matter was practically impossible. But, instead of hoping and wishing that I could do it, I did the next (and probably) best thing... ...I brought my teachers TO me! And, trust me, if I can do it, you can too. ********************************************* Again, thanks to everyone for your great questions. In the next post, I'll be answering those from a few more students so, don't be shy and send me some stuff. The most important thing for everyone to remember is to make this training very personal. Make sure that you're getting what you need and sewing up any loose ends in your own training, skills, and overall ability to handle yourself... least in the most common situations that YOU are likely to encounter in your life. Remember that... ...if it bothers you and you want to be able to handle a certain type of situation, others probably want to know also. So, get personal and start the ball rolling by asking about it. Don't be like everyone else who is sitting there on their duff waiting for everyone else to ask the questions! Well, until next time. Here's wishing you Peace, Happiness, and much safety... You're Friend on the Path, Shihan Jeffrey M. Miller ***************************************** Please send in those testimonials and comments. Many of you tell me on a regular basis why you come to my camps, seminars, and classes and how you think I'm doing. NOW it's time to tell everyone else! Seriously. It sounds very conceited and "sales-like" when I say how great something is but, when YOU say it, people take notice and listen. Why? Because you are a student just like them. You are the ones who return class after class and year after year (many of you coming in for private lessons with me separately from Camps and Seminars). This says something about yourselves but, it also says something about what you believe you're getting from me and these powerful events. So, please. Send me something to post so others will know what they're missing. ****************************************** Want to send me a question or comment.... Enter the word "QUESTION" or "COMMENT" in the subject box and email it to me at Please keep your submission short and to the point. Any submissions that stray from topic, require too much in the way of editing (please use the spell-check and grammar check functions on your word processor - after all, you paid for them!), or are self-serving and abusive will simply be deleted. I'll try to answer your email personally, especially if it's of a personal nature but most submissions will be answered here.
Talk to you again in a few days. Be Safe! Jeffrey M. Miller, Shihan 10 Degree Black Belt Founder and Director Warrior Concepts International Self-Protection & Personal Development
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